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Should I Add My Company Name to Our Title Tags?


Should I Add My Company Name to Our Title Tags?

This question “Should I Add My Company Name to the Website Title Tags?” is one that has been asked often.

And SEO Experts, Specialists and Managers from years ago will undoubtedly give you a different answer than what I am about to give you here.

The answer is Absolutely Not!

Why you might ask?

I’ll tell you!


Here is why You Should Not add your company name to your website title tags

  1. It wastes valuable character space that could be used to better describe your product / service
  2. Google will add it for you

Very simple right? It definitely is.


One of the most valuable assets when it comes to SEO is your Title Tag.  And not wasting the limited amount of characters you have for those title tags adding your company name is of Huge Importance!  Use these instead to be relevant to searchers


How will Google add your company name to the Title?

They just do it!

Well as long as you’ve set yourself up on Google My Business.

Here’s the proof. Watch this video to see how it works.









Content Marketing for Print Companies Example






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