How B2B Companies Can Generate More Revenue Using Remarketing
At it’s core Remarketing is the ability to show ads to individuals who engaged with one of your digital properties.
How most people are familiar with Remarketing is with B2C ecommerce. The perfect example is when someone looks at a product on Amazon.com and then sees the ad on other websites they visit (the ad follows them around).
The premise is that those who visited and didn’t purchase will see again what they were looking at and will choose at that moment to complete their purchase by clicking on the ad and finishing the checkout process.
But How Do You Use Remarketing for B2B Businesses?
In theory the idea is the same where you targeted those who previously engaged with you to turn them into customers or get them to buy more from you.
Listed here are the ways you can retarget individuals:
- Tagging & Tracking Visitors from Your Website
- Uploading an email list of leads or customers
- Uploading a physical mailing list of leads or customers
When using the Tagging & Tracking method you are using a pixel or cookie (code the browser uses to track the visitor) that will allow you to show ads to those same visitors across the internet.
Uploading email lists and/or physical mailing lists let the platforms (Facebook, LinkedIn, Google) run a matching algorithm to find those users in their target pool to show those contacts on your list, your ads.
This is one of the easiest ways to get in front of leads and existing customers at the lowest cost.
And this targeting method is highly effective as the leads & customers already have some affinity for your company.
How Else Do B2B Companies Use Remarketing?
One of the most compelling ways we use remarketing for B2B is to use the targeting capabilities of one platform to extend that criteria across onto other platforms.
Not all ad platforms have the same targeting criteria available to choose from, so we will use the targeting criteria of one platform to drive in visitors and them remarket to those same visitors on other platforms that don’t have the targeting criteria we need. This way we know the audience being targeted on the 2nd platform is specific to our campaign needs.
For Example:
LinkedIn will allow us to target a job title within a specific industry at companies with a specific number of employees.
Facebook does not give you this capability.
So we will target on LinkedIn, Retarget those same visitors on Facebook where you cannot target the industries and size of the company accurately.
Do this to increase your lead gen and revenue generation results when building our our B2B Content Marketing Strategy.
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