A Note on Successful Agribusiness Marketing
Do you spend time creating flashy graphics or actually getting to know your customer?
It’s no secret that the most important part of getting your message in front of your customers is that it is clearly communicated.
But what about commodity industries like agribusiness?
Due to this industry being so specification focused (price, quality, availability, etc.) many marketers think that the only way to differentiate is to make it as “sexy” as possible. Give the company a good looking exterior, flashy graphics, trendy interactive apps and you’re good.
That’s great, but is only a part of communicating your value and to be honest it’s one of the easiest parts that ends up being less effective without what we are about to talk about here.
Understanding the Agricultural Business customer
Wouldn’t you agree that knowing what your customer wants at an individual level and understanding what is most important to them would benefit your company more than just a “pretty” picture?
We hope so, because we do and have seen this take companies from doing just OK to growing 5X, 10X and 20X consistently.
Using tools like HubSpot or Infusionsoft will allow you to know exactly what your customer or prospects are reading, watching, opening, liking, not liking, etc.
And that is at the individual level.
You can know what John Smith wants exactly form your products, so every time you communicate with him you’ll be giving John exactly what he is trying to understand or wants to be talked to about.
This simple change to how you collect information and communicate information to your customers will bring you Huge Success!
Agriculture Marketing, Agricultural Marketing, Agribusiness Marketing or however you call it will be changed for ever.