Project Management and Deciding What Happens First
Deciding what project gets done first can be tough at times right? Sometimes you just don’t know exactly how to pick what will take priority over the other since they are at the same level. In the case of this, there is a strategy that I employ to make sure that I am making the right choice, even though it may push another project back by a week. Pushing a project back by a week is not always the worst, especially if you’re like me and set an internal deadline a week or two prior to when the client wants it to be completed.
Determining What Makes the Cut
It is kind of like a pro’s and con’s list. As the account manager you have to break down each project to determine the amount of work that will have to go into it, the level of expectation each client has, and the deadline that the client may or may have not stated to you at the start. Every agency has a standard for projects. Here are some important factors to take into account. You have to break down each project and understand what it all includes.
- Level of work the project includes. Is it all hands on deck or maybe one or two?
- Does this require the assistance of a designer? Because designing can take time.
- Will this project overload one or more team-member?
Communicating the Change
While everyone on your team was aware of the projects at hand, they may have been working on the parts that they knew they were going to have to take ownership. Send out a memo to the team about what is getting moved around and what the expected timeline is for each project. Schedule a meeting to discuss it and get everyone’s opinion on it, especially if this project may overload one individual but not the rest. When shifting projects it is not just about the client, but about your team and their ability to efficiently and correctly get the project done without cutting corners. Projects sometimes come in waves, and sometimes one at a time.
Knowing your team and what they can handle makes project management manageable.
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