Should I be Concerned About Indirect Competitors Online?
No matter the size of your company, the products or services you offer or how long your company has been around, there is tons of competition out there, especially in the digital space. We often hear “There is no one out that offers what we do” or “My business is so unique we don’t have any competition.” While that isn’t necessarily an untrue statement, regardless of the companies or business out there in the same industry, there is and will always be other companies taking up digital real estate.
Why All Competitors Matter Online
You’re probably wondering why you should care if there is competition out there even if they don’t offer the same product or service as your company. Here’s why:
- They are showing up in search engines for the terms your brand wants to be found for
- They are providing the valuable content that your potential customers are needing at that point in time in their buyer’s journey.
- They are putting ad spend behind valuable search terms and showing those that could be your customers, why they are the best
Digital Competitive Analysis is Key
When you look at your company’s position online and you realize you hardly show up for important search terms, or that you’re not providing anything valuable to potential visitors through downloadable assets or website content, it’s time to start looking at those that are taking up that space online; even those that don’t sell or offer exactly what your company does. By evaluating those companies online, you are taking the steps to truly increase your digital presence and get ahead of your competitors.
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