Top 15 Apps and Why it’s Good News for Digital Marketing
In July 2016, Smartphone apps accounted for 50% of all U.S. digital media time!
This means that future months are going to be higher than 50% and solidifies the strength mobile has in the United States.
Another report showed the top 15 apps (by visits) in July 2016, which is another thing that really got us excited as Digital Marketers.
Check out the list below and we’ll explain why.
Top 15 Apps by Visits in July 2016
- Facebook: 149,657,000
- Facebook Messenger: 131,609,000
- YouTube: 115,351,000
- Google Maps: 100,347,000
- Google Search: 90,260,000
- Google Play: 88,625,000
- Gmail: 80,461,000
- Pandora Radio: 76,781,000
- Instagram: 73,546,000
- Amazon Mobile: 71,427,000
- Apple Music: 68,002,000
- Apple Maps: 60,956,000
- Pokemon Go: 54,535,000
- Snapchat: 54,113,000
- Pinterest: 51,291,000
Why this is so great for Digital Marketers
You’ll notice that Facebook, YouTube, Google Maps, Google Search, Gmail, Instagram, Snpachat and Pinterest are all listed.
Obviously, the high use of social media platforms is huge for marketers. Social is strong and continuing to grow.
But the app use of Google Search is massive for search & content marketing and Google Maps is huge for local search & optimization
YouTube remaining high on the list is a strong signal that video continues to be a huge preference for users across the U.S.
Pokemon Go is a little bit of an anomaly since it just launched and got so much PR hype, but still great news for mobile, marketers, apps and gaming.
Even more interesting is that these apps are platform gateways.
Few on the list are transactional or solely functional, they connect you to networks of people and information.
Our Perspective
Very happy to see these numbers and as Digital Marketers we are very excited about the future of what we get to create and optimize!
Platform integration will be mandatory, user behavior will be easier to measure, interactions can be even more personalized and those same interactions can be created more intimately.