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You’re Doing Branding Wrong – Business Beware!

Branding Doesn't Work

You’re Doing Branding Wrong – Business Beware!

Have you struggled to figure out how to brand / re-brand your company?  Or even wondered if doing it is a waste of time?

We don’t consider ourselves a Branding Agency but we are experts at knowing where your company lands in the spectrum of branding needs.

Here’s a Fact!

If you were to talk to a creative / branding agency today they will tell you that…

  • You need to do research
  • Create a messaging & positioning strategy
  • Build the creative

Makes sense right? It sure does, but wow, that’s generic!

Then they’ll speak to the success of big brands.  They will always reference Apple, then talk about other huge brands like Nike and others.

Here’s another Fact!

Apple didn’t become how it is today overnight.  Neither did Nike or any other huge brand.


This is a typical journey of a company from startup to mature leading brand.

  1. Company starts – No one knows you who are or how good your product / service is
  2. Company gets sales – The company has the ability to keep going
  3. Company grows – Now more sales are achieved and needed to get bigger
  4. Company is bigger – More people know about the company through sales and word or mouth
  5. Company matures – Refines processes, products and services in a consistent way
  6. Company is defined – People now know the company by it’s name, logo, products, services, etc.

Most companies hang out at stages 2, 3 and 4.

You get very little benefit from Apple-level branding until your ready to move into stage 5 of maturing the company.

Of course you need to differentiate your company, define your goals and have a clean & consistent visual identity.

But to over focus on your message and position in early stages can only help so much.

If you’re company is in stage 3 or 4 then you need to focus on strategic deployment of your company, products and services.

Sales focused messages that are put directly in front of the people that best fit your ideal customer profile and those searching for the products & services you provide.

There’s a Branding for that!

And it’s not the overthinking of which adjectives to use when describing how you provide the best services and deliver the best products.

*As a side note that’s pretty much every branding agency’s process. Figure out a way to say how you’re different, provide the best service and have the best products in a way that makes you feel good about the process you just went through and paid for.


By researching online what customers pain points are, how they search for the products & services you sell and what other industry authorities are saying on these topics you can create a content strategy that answers their questions, get’s you found and “brands” you as a go to resource and provider of exactly what your customers are looking for.

This will grow your sales, your brand and your reputation (which ultimately is a part of your brand).


Contact us to learn more about how we can Brand you into more sales!

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