The History of Snapchat & How to Use it Well
I recently posted an article on the History of Snapchat, What it means for us Today and direction on How to Use it Well.
I’ve been experimenting with posting on different platforms, so you can the full article on…
Medium – https://medium.com/@johnbracamontes/the-history-of-snapchat-how-to-use-it-well-9a28db7eb8e7
LinkedIn – https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/history-snapchat-how-use-well-john-bracamontes
Below are a handful of GIF tutorials on how to use the platform
Snapchatting a Video vs. Photo
Accounts to Follow on Snapchat
This is just a short list of people who are killing it on the platform. There aren’t that many yet because people still aren’t taking it seriously. So get on it now.
DJ Khaled: @djkhaled305
John Bracamontes: @acumenstudio
Casey Neistat: @caseyneistat
John Bracamontes: @johnbracamontes
Diplo: @diplo
Kate Hudson: @khudsnaps
Gary Vaynerchuk: @garyvee
Eva Longoria: @realevalongoria