Stop Saying SEO is Easy
What we see over and over again are people and agencies speaking on how easy SEO is and minimizing it by only talking about the most basic aspects of both SEO and overall Digital Marketing.
Why is this?
It definitely makes it easier to sell, but is that the only reason?
We dug in and realized that the reason most people minimize how important the tactics within Digital Marketing actually are (including SEO) is because they SUCK at Execution. They cannot do the work well.
It’s easy to say you should be strategic and speak to the right people at the right time online, but when it comes to actually pulling that off, most fail and fail hard.
This is where we differentiate in that our execution is deep and drives massive results.
Our advice to everyone is to Quit talking about Digital Marketing like you know something if you can’t back it up with execution.
Talk to us!