The Best Blog Format for Rankings & Providing Customer Value
If you’re reading this, we did our job of formatting this blog post in order to show up in the search engines while also sharing some helpful information with you. You may be already writing content or may just be getting started but either way, you know the importance of getting found online by your customers.It can be hard to determine what to write about let alone how to structure your content, so we’re breaking it down for you here.
How To Structure a Blog Post
So why does the way you structure a blog post even matter? You likely have a lot of good information to share but it needs to be presented in a way that guides readers from point A to point B.
There are also critical elements that need to exist in order for it to rank in the search engines which we are sharing below.
Title Tag
A title tag is a written page title that is between 50 – 60 characters and is a direct ranking factor that search engines use to determine what your blog post is about.
An image adds a visual element to your blog and can help break up all of the text.
H1 -Heading Tag
This is another important ranking factor and also helps guide the reader through your blog.
A strong opening sentence or sentences tells what the blog is about and grabs the attention of the reader.
H2 & H3 – Subheads
Subheads are good for both ease of reading and helps with overall rankings.
Body Copy / Content
The “meat” of your blog is the body copy or content that further explains the main point of the blog and follows the headings.
It’s important to have a strong conclusion that ties the blog together and includes any final thoughts.
Call To Action
A call to action tells the reader what to do next whether that be exploring other pages on your website, contacting you via a contact form or giving you a call.
How To Select an Effective Blog Topic
Before you can even focus on how to structure your blog post, you need to come up with topics to write about that are going to be the most valuable to your customers. This can be one of the hardest parts of blog creation because there are so many things you can write about but how do you choose? Here are some ways to help you get started.
Customer Pain Points
This is an easy place to start because you are talking with your customers every day so you know the issues or pain points they experience on a daily basis. Think about those things and write content that talks about those pain points and how you provide a solution.
There is no shame in checking out your competitors and seeing what they are writing about. You can go to their website and look at what blogs they have available or do a Google Search for products or services that you offer and look at the content that shows up surrounding those things. You can use that as inspiration so it can hopefully spark something to write about.
Once you’ve come up with some ideas on potential blog topics, you’ll want to do keyword and market research to find out if those topics are highly searched which would mean it would be valuable content for your customers.
Now that you have some jumping off points for ideating on blog topics and how to format your blog posts, you can feel confident that your content will not only provide value to your customers but also rank high in the search results!
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