The Everchanging LinkedIn Campaign Manager – What’s New
The Everchanging LinkedIn Campaign Manager
Another day, another change to the ad creation interface. It seems like everytime it’s time to go and create a new campaign, setting up the ad has a different user experience.
In February, LinkedIn launched the new objective-based campaign experience. Like the name, this new experience is focused on the objective of the campaign first. To put it simply, you as the marketer decide what the focus of the campaign is going to be whether it’s website visits or engagement, then the rest of the campaign creation matches that objective.
While most of the format has the same options and functionality, it’s still something to get used to.
What’s New in the LinkedIn Campaign Manager
In the objective-based experience, there are a number of new items to be aware of.
- The objective is at the top of the page and must be selected before moving forward with any other part of the campaign.
- The audience selection and targeting criteria comes next and is broken out by language, location, audience attributes (company, demographics, education, job experience, interests), then matched audiences (website audiences and list uploads). Each of criteria has deeper criteria listed within. Like the old experience, depending on the criteria you select, other criteria won’t be available.
- The budget, bid type and conversion tracking also must be complete before setting up the ad creative.
<h2>Benefits of the New Format</h2>
The number one benefit to this new experience is that it makes the campaign creation simpler by streamlining it to fit what the objective is. It also offers automated bidding for that objective as well.
Even though it’s another new experience, there are definitely huge benefits to the new experience.
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