Welcome Alex Lamy!
When someone new starts at Acumen we ask a handful of questions to start to get to know them better and share that with you because we’re excited to have Awesome people join the team!
Where are you from?
Well, I was born in Norfolk, Virginia into an air force family. By the time I was 13, I’d moved to 11 different places. I spent the most time out in California, mainly Edwards AFB which I consider home. I moved to Missouri 8 years ago from Dallas, Texas for school and have been in StL about 2 years.
What are some things you enjoy doing (besides working)?
I love turn-based strategy games like Civ 6 or XCOM on the computer or board games like Ticket to Ride or Catan. If I am feeling frisky, you’ll find me at the local card room playing Holdem. I also have an affinity for the outdoors. I love camping and exploring. And I love spending time with my daughter. She’s 12 now going into the 7th grade. And we watch a lot of “old” movies together. She’s becoming a little movie buff like me.
Favorite Movie Genre or Fave Movie?
I have favorite writers and directors. My top three film creators are the Coen Brothers and Tarantino.
These movies I consider must see:
1. A Serious Man – Coen Brothers
2. Mr. Nobody – Jaco Van Dormael
3. Pulp Fiction – Tarantino
But my all time favorite for personal reasons is a John Malkovich, Edward Norton, Matt Damon film called Rounders.
Favorite Type of Music and/or Band You’re Feeling Right Now?
I’m a lover of music. When I am playing cards or focusing, I’ll go with techno. When I am in the mood for something different, I’ll go with foreign stuff like Bass Hunter or the hu. But when I am just driving around, I’ll go with some good old classic Rock. Maybe some Eagles or Kansas.
Place you’d like to visit but haven’t yet?
Space. Because, you know, it’s space.
Drink of Choice (doesn’t have to be alcoholic, but can be as well)?
If I am drinking, it’ll be a captain and coke. Day to day though, I am fueled by Red Bulls and Gatorades
Welcome to the Team Alex!