Why Are Blogs So Important? Here’s Why.
There is nothing new about blogging, but still the question for some remains… “Are Blogs Important?”, “How Important Are Blogs?”, “Should I Write Blogs For My Company?”, etc.
These questions are asked across all industries. B2B, Private Equity, Finance, Commercial Printing, Industrial, Construction, etc.
And to be honest they are really good questions because how would someone actually know if blogs are important or not? If you don’t know how to measure their effectiveness or you’ve never heard anyone explain why blogs are important then their really is no way you should know or believe they are.
Are Blogs Important?
In the video above we go in detail showing you why they are important, how they are important and what you can do to capture value from your blog posts.
The reason that blogs are so important is because they answer questions. Nearly every search in Google is someone seeking to gain an answer to a question and it’s even more specific for industries in the B2B space, Finance, Print, Industrial and Contracting industries.
If a buyer, customer, investor or potential partner searching for something they need an answer to and your company has a solution that is the answer to their question then you want to be found, need to be found and will close more sales, deals, investment and partnerships if you create blog posts that answer their questions.
Other Benefits of Blogging
- They drive qualified traffic to your website
- You can share them on social media
- You can send out your blogs in email
- Blogs attract links back to your website
- They build trust with buyers, it shows your active
- They build authority for you as an expert
- And the list could go on
If You Are Looking to Focus on Getting More Leads & Deal Flow from Blog Posts or Have Questions, Call Us at 866-357-7422
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