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Digital Content Marketing Blog

 / Digital Content Marketing Blog (Page 45)

Preston Keller is the Vice President at Kingdom Capital.

Preston is currently the Vice President at Kingdom Capital and Former Vice President of Business Development at Adaraz BioSystems.

Through his strategic leadership organization have grown exponentially leading successful capital raises and growing winning teams.

Leaders in Business & Marketing.

Leaders in Business and Marketing iTunes

Leaders in Business and Marketing Stitcher

We love hearing from the Experts!

You’re talking to customers everyday and are hearing their questions, concerns, wants and needs.

We are writing a collaborative article that features You and what you are seeing / hearing in the industry today.



What are current and prospective customers asking for most often of you?

What helps your current and prospective customers better understand your capabilities?

What is the most common way new and prospective customers order from you?


Below is a form that if you could fill in these answers below we will feature you and your answers in our upcoming Print Professionals Q&A Article!



    Best Way to clarify your capabilities to customers? (required)
    Phone ConversationYour WebsitePhysical Packet or FlyerDigital PDF Sales Sheet

    The most common way customers order from you? (required)
    Phone ConversationForm on your WebsiteOnline Customer Portal

    Apple’s iOS 11 will now have a native installation of a QR Code reader built into the camera.

    QR code usage was never really that strong due to the need for using a 3rd party app to scan them.

    The journey went something like this:  A company adds a QR code to some information or engagement piece, the user has to find and download a QR reader, then has to scan the code and finally land on the piece.

    Now all the user has to do is open their camera and click!

    This is huge for Commercial Printing Company Marketing because now it makes sense to add QR to direct mail, brochures, flyers, posters, etc.

    What are your thoughts?