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Digital Content Marketing Blog

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PPC for Private Equity

Private Equity has traditionally sourced deals through personal and professional networks, direct and referral. PPC (Pay Per Click) has not been used much in the industry.

Why hasn’t Private Equity used PPC?
The simple answer is they haven’t had to.
Now deals are becoming harder to source and competition has increased through the creation of many new PE firms.

How can Private Equity firms use Pay Per Click?
The search engines give you the ability to look inside at what people search.
We can identify search queries that are relevant to your firms offering.
“St. Louis Private Equity Firm”
“Investment Options to Grow my Business”

We can bid on terms like these and drive paid traffic to your firms website, where they can learn more about their options, contact you via email or call you by phone.

It really is that simple.
New Traffic = New Leads = Increased Deal Flow = More Closed Deals!

Knowing who to target
By matching search queries to intent we can identify what type of person is conducting the search.
A business owner, industry parter (Broker Dealer, Retail Bank, etc.) or a professional service provider (Advisor, Attorney, Accountatn, etc).
This is important because we can present the most meaningful information to them.

How else can this be used
Using search data, we can generate marketing or industry insights for your firm when considering a new business. This can be done industry wide or at the stage of feasibility.

PPC is a great tool within the entire spectrum of the Private Equity Digital Marketing suite.

We work and have worked with many CPA firm across the US, but we just recently had the chance to see the extraordinary things going on at one particular CPA Firm that we just have to give a shout out to.
The leading CPA Firm in Dallas, Gurian CPA has made huge moves in the industry when it comes to client service. They are 100% in it for their clients making sure that every piece of advice is one that will help them grow.
Just wanted to throw that out there and show them some love.

We have seen time and time again where Private Equity is lagging in their Digital Marketing efforts.  And we wanted to pose the question, Why is that?  Let us give you a picture of what we see as a trend and the reasons that Private Equity is behind in their Digital Strategy and Online Marketing.

Financial institutions are traditionally conservative and for years the traditional way of marketing their services has worked and to some extent continues to work for them.  There is so much money being made in the space that losses are less hard hitting than in other industries (many financial institutions still make money when others lose).  Until recently the use of “Big Data” or easily obtained user data, had not been used for groups like the private equity firms.

They simply just didn’t need to do it.  (in their minds)