Has getting new sales for your print company stalled or not grown as fast as you would like it to be?
If your answer is YES, then this article is for you.
Print Companies have primarily relied on a sales team to go out and get new business. And it worked. But today doesn’t work as well.
Some print companies rely solely on the owner and other companies have an in-house marketing person to help drive awareness to aid in new business development.
But still many print companies are struggling to get that sales lift they so badly want.
What I’ve observed over the past 7 years in the Print Industry is this…
- The economy is strong and it doesn’t take a ton of work to increase sales — (So if your sales are flat or going down something is up!)
- Sales teams are typically equipped to close project sold leads / quotes — (The customer knows what they want and all you need to do is prove that you can do the work, give them a good price, get the quote back quickly and meet their timeline)
- Marketers at print companies are typically design oriented people which is great and very much needed but they are typically less savvy in marketing the business strategy that your customers are actually looking for. — (Your customers need the items you print for them to “do something” and in most cases that is generate new revenue whether it’s directly or indirectly through some leading behavior like showing up at an event or signing up)
- And very few Sales or Marketing team members have deep discipline experience in the platforms and tactics on generating new leads online. — *This statement may not sit well with some of you, but respectfully if you reflect on the things you can do and do well, is this really one of them? (at Acumen we aren’t printers and don’t claim to be, we leave that to the Pros)
And all of this makes sense because Schools Don’t Teach This Stuff! They don’t teach Sales, They don’t teach Lead Generation AND They don’t teach print.
So it’s all Doom and Gloom, Right? Wrong!
The ONE thing that would help make your Sales Team and Marketers more effective is to give them the wisdom of KNOWING WHO TO TARGET!
As an owner, executive, manager it is Your (or if you’re in Sales and Marketing, it is THEIR) responsibility to ensure that the entire company knows who your primary customers are and why they are your primary customers.
It’s not just that they need printing, packaging or fulfillment. They need it for very specific reasons and having your team Armed with that Knowledge they will have the ability to be the Best they can be. Without it they / you can only go so far. It really is a limiter to success.
What Could You Do?
Outside of working with us on doing Digital Marketing for Print Companies (I’m smiling and winking over here) it would be a good idea to lead a handful of workshops each year on exactly what I shared above.
Let your company know who your primary customers are, why those customers choose you to do that work, why those customers need the products they have you create for them and what the outcomes your customers expect to get when using your products / services.
Doing that will positively Change Your Business!
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