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B2B Digital Marketing Blog

When someone new starts at Acumen we ask a handful of questions to start to get to know them better and share that with you because we're excited to have Awesome people join the team! Where are you from? I have lived many different places around the United States but I am currently living in St. Charles MO. What are some things you enjoy doing (besides working)? I am a wedding photographer and videographer on the side. I also love to...

This question "Should I Add My Company Name to the Website Title Tags?" is one that has been asked often. And SEO Experts, Specialists and Managers from years ago will undoubtedly give you a different answer than what I am about to give you here. The answer is Absolutely Not! Why you might ask? I'll tell you!   Here is why You Should Not add your company name to your website title tags It wastes valuable character space that could be used...

Every time someone new joins the Acumen Team we get excited to share with you a little about them. Mark is joining us as the newest Account Manager and we asked him a few questions that are always good "get to know you" ice-breakers. Where are you from? I was born and raised in Belleville, IL. What are some things you enjoy doing (besides working)? I enjoy watching and playing cricket, hiking, and checking out new places around town with friends...

Have you every asked the question: Who Should I Be Targeting on Facebook? This is one of the Most Common questions we hear from print companies when it comes to Facebook. And it's actually a really good question! Why Did We Put This List Together? To be honest it's our business to put together content & campaigns for printers like you which in many cases includes running Facebook ads to get you in front of new customers. BUT we know...