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B2B Digital Marketing Blog

Trafficpro.live is a referral source that you will see show up in the Google Analytics report under the All Traffic / Referrals report Trafficpro.store is also a referred click that shows up in the Referrals report inside of Google Analytics. The thing is about both of these traffic sources is that they are both Bot Traffic being sent out by a company. If you type in either of those URLs they redirect to the same destination which is...

Something that we've encountered over and over are companies and marketers who are looking for ways to make their Digital Marketing Easier. Easy Digital Marketing, Simple Digital Marketing, Simple Digital Marketing Strategy or however you search for it when looking for this answer they all lead to the same thing. "How can I make it easy to market online?". Why are people asking this question? That is a simple answer, We Don't Have Time! We're right there with...

One of the most impactful tactics in communication and in marketing is the use of personalization. We've known this for centuries. The only thing that changes are the tools we use to communicate. Whether it be written, visual, audible, digital or physical you can add personalization that will produce better results no matter what the desired outcome is for you and your organization. What we're going to talk about specifically in this article are PURLs, or PURL...

l.facebook.com is a referred click from a link that has been shared on Facebook. The best way to describe how the l.facebook.com referral shows up in Google Analytics is to think about when you post or share on Facebook. If you were to write a Facebook post that included a link to your website, shared it to your feed and someone clicked on that link, the click and resulting traffic to your website can result in the...

If you are currently using Google Analytics and have logged into the platform with the last 9 months then you are likely aware that as of July 1, 2023 Google Analytics UA or GA 3 as some call it will be "Sunsetted". Essentially Google is going to stop tracking much of the critical data it collects currently in Google Analytics UA in a move to force everyone to start using the new Google Analytics 4 or...